Is there a time limit to the race?

The Marathon time limit is 8 hours; for the Half-Marathon, it's 6 hours, and for the 5K Fun Run &  Walk

it's 2 hours.

 Is Addis Ababa safe? 

Ethiopia is a stable democracy and is viewed as one of Africa's safest countries. While security is 

more of an issue on the border regions, Addis Ababa is centrally located, and safety within the city 

should not be an issue. However, as with any metropolitan city, you should exercise normal caution

and watch your belongings. On race day, there will be both city police and private security at the start

line, directing runners and traffic on the course. At the finish line festival.

Can I switch my distance choice before the race?

Yes, you can participate in a different race distance than the one you signed up for if you notify us

no later than the night before the race.

Will altitude be a problem? 

Addis Ababa is comparable in elevation to Denver, and on the race course, you will be well over one mile above sea level. So, unless you are acclimated to altitude, you can expect to feel some shortness of breath. This should not present a medical problem, but if you have asthma or any other conditions or concerns, please consult your doctor. Running a long-distance race- particularly a marathon is an inherently difficult thing to do, but running one at a high altitude is especially challenging. Unless you are  acclimated to the elevation, you can expect to add one minute or more per mile to your usual sea-level race  time. Please be particularly conservative through mile 18, and think of this more as a beautiful training run than a competitive race. On race day, there will be an ambulance on   the course, and a staffed medical tent at the finish line.  

Can I eat the local food?

We recommend that you drink only bottled or boiled beverages (we will have bottled water at the aid stations on the race course) and that you avoid eating raw meat dishes. Otherwise, you should feel free to enjoy the local cuisine, which includes not only traditional Ethiopian fare,  such as injera and doro wat, but also fine Italian food as well. Be aware that many Ethiopian dishes are very spicy.

Will language be an issue?

No.  Most Ethiopians speak English.

Frequently Asked Questions